Charity & Community

Swords Pavilions' special partnership with Saint Francis Hospice, within our local branch of Raheny, is one we've been supporting since 2015, and continue to raise awareness for, through fundraising events and collection units, in our renewed partnership for 2024.

Saint Francis Hospice provides a specialist palliative care service for the people of North Dublin City, and wider county. This voluntary organisation is administered under the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. Some of the services the organisation provide are:

  • Community Palliative Care

  • Hospice Day Care

  • Inpatient Units

  • Outpatient Services

  • Bereavement Care

In 2023, Saint Francis Hospice supported more than 2,095 patients and their families through their multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, complementary therapists, lymphoedema therapists, care assistants, household, administration and contract staff. 

The organisation also provided specialist palliative care to more than 1,500 people in their homes, and many of those patients attended our Hospice Day Care centres and outpatient clinics in Raheny and Blanchardstown. In addition, more than 600 patients were admitted to their inpatient units in Raheny and Blanchardstown for symptom management and end of life care. The organisation helped families, both during the person’s illness and afterwards, through support and counselling by the medical social work team.

They launched their innovative Outpatients and Day Services in 2022, amalgamating the two services into one to better meet the needs of our patients.

In 2024, Swords Pavilions raised over €61,728 for our local branch of Raheny, and we have now raised €346,000 since 2015. We thank all our patrons for their generosity. 

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